Search | Basic Search | Basic Search tool
Keep in mind that only 1000 people will be imported in your account at once. If you want to upload more people, paste the URL again and again until all people are added.
- Go to LinkedIn
- Search Any keywords and press enter.
- Apply filter if you have found specific prospects.
- Copy the URL
- Go to the campaign section of the LinkedLite tool & Put that copied URL and press enter.
- No need to create a new campaign for multiple Search URLs.Multiple URLs were used in the single campaign while we added sources like LinkedIn URLs.
The Basic search is exactly like the LinkedIn search bar. First, go to LinkedIn and click on the search bar.Search any keywords like "CEO" and press enter.if you found specific peoples of companies or locations wise applied LinkedIn search filter you can used.Then Copied URL.

Go to the Campaign section and create campaign and go to next page select LinkedIn URLs .put the multiple URls for the campaign. its very reliable.No need create new campaign every time.Once you created then add search url while updating or creating new one campaign.